Mordecai and Rigby exchange knowing glances.) (Dramatic music plays as Pops turns back to the phone and then his head starts to throb. Mordecai: Aw, cool! What kind are they? ( Rigby pulls a case from under Pops' bed and opens it to find 80s brick-sized phones.) (Mordecai and Rigby walk towards Pops' bed.) (A pulse tone is heard from the phone) But you're welcome to use the phones under my bed. Pops: Oh, I would, but I'm holding to talk with Joe Mama. Mordecai and Rigby: Pops, can we borrow your phone? Pops is still on the phone and the iron is still on his pants, which are smoking) Mordecai: Dude, let's go use Pops' phone. (Benson then throws the remains of the phone down and slams the door on his way out) He pulls the phone from the wall and smashes it to pieces on the floor)īenson: GOOD LUCK MAKING YOUR PRANK CALLS NOW! Hello, what's that? Mordecai and Rigby are banned from using the house phone? Okay. (Mordecai is about to dial when Benson bangs the door open off-screen.)īenson: HANG UP THAT PHONE! You think your little pranks are funny, huh? You think they're funny? Well, what do you guys think of my prank? (walking towards the phone, he pretends to think he's being called by someone) Ring, ring. Rigby: Who are you calling? (Mordecai stops shifting through pages and points to a number on the book) (Mordecai picks up a phone book and starts shifting through pages) But we're not number one until we do this. Did you not hear what we just did? We were hilarious! Rigby: O-O-O-h! Oh, Mordecai, we're the best prank callers ever, aren't we? (Mordecai and Rigby laugh their hardest and Mordecai hangs up. Mordecai: HE'S STILL ON THE PHONE! H, HA, HA, HA!!! Mordecai: Oh, dude, he's still on the phone! Mordecai lets go of the phone with Benson still talking)īenson: Wherever this is coming from, I will track you down and I will find you, and if it.!

Mordecai: Hey, Benson, you got any books by "Joe Mama"?īenson: Who is this? (Mordecai and Rigby laugh even harder than before. He is sitting in his easy chair when the phone rings) Rigby: Hey, Skips, do you have a son named "Joe Mama"? (Both Mordecai & Rigby laugh off-screen, and call Skips, who is seen lifting weights) Rigby: Please hold for a collect call from. Pops is ironing his pants when the telephone rings.)

But you know what's even funnier than watching prank phone calls? Mordecai: Ye-e-eyah, I guess he's pretty funny. Rigby: The Master Prank Caller is the funniest thing on the internet, right, Mordecai? Master Prank Caller: I'm a sure glad I ain't Joe Mama! (Mordecai & Rigby both laugh at the prank call video) Oh, yeah! You just got pranked by the Master Prank Caller! Master Prank Caller: Oh, yes, this is I'm a sure. (Episode begins with Mordecai and Rigby laughing when they are watching a prank call video on the computer. They're usually juvenile plays on words, but they still made for hilarious television, just as they have for decades now.This page is the transcript for " Prank Callers".

Even after all these years, Bart Simpson's prank call names when he harasses Moe's Tavern earn some of the show's biggest laughs. 17, 2021 by Patrick Mocella: With more than 30 seasons and no end in sight, The Simpsons is an American cultural institution. Bart gets a few solid cackles from the exchange, and in typical fashion, goes about his day. It's hard to imagine Moe is oblivious to Bart's prank every time, but the calls usually end with an exacerbated Moe threatening to hurt the young Simpson. RELATED: 10 Funniest Bart Simpson Memes That Make Us Laugh Bart has been engaging in these antics since the very first season of The Simpsons, and they have yet to lose their charm. One of the longest-running gags on The Simpsons involves Bart Simpson's prank calls. Bart's favorite target seems to be Moe's Tavern, where he fools Moe into yelling profane names and phrases across the bar.